Strategy option list ==================== .. default-domain:: lua The following table lists all the options that can be set when implementing the :meth:`options` function. ============================ ======= =========== option type description ============================ ======= =========== bands table List of integer (zero-indexed) band ids to process. baselines string ``"auto"``, ``"cross"`` or ``"all"`` for selecting auto/cross-correlations or both. baseline-integration string Average baselines together to a single dynamic spectrum, with a specified method. Allowed values are: ``"count"``, ``"average"``, ``"average-abs"``, ``"squared"`` or ``"stddev"``. chunk-size integer When not zero, ``aoflagger`` will process the data in chunks with the given maximum chunk size. column-name string What data column to use, e.g. ``"DATA"``, ``"CORRECTED_DATA"``. etc. combine-spws boolean Whether to concatenate all spectral windows together while flagging. execute-file string Name of file to load for this run, which should provide the execute-function. By default, it is assumed to be the currently loaded file (which also provides the :meth:`options` call). execute-function string Name of function to run (note this is a string, not a function). Default: ``"execute"``. fields table List of integer (zero-indexed) field ids to process. files table List of strings that are the names of the files to process. min‑aoflagger-version string Minimum AOFlagger version required, of the form "major.minor". Defaults to ``"3.0"``. quiet boolean Inhibits all output except errors. read-mode string ``"direct"``, ``"indirect"``, ``"memory"`` or ``"auto"``. read-uvws boolean Whether to read the UVWs. This is not done by default. script-version string Version of this strategy. Can have the form "major.minor[.subminor] [extra description]", for example ``"2.4 beta"`` or ``"3.1.4 modified by André"``. start-timestep /end-timestep integer Timestep (zero-indexed) from/at which to start/end processing. threads integer Number of threads to use. The default is to use one thread per core. verbose boolean Sets verbose logging. ============================ ======= ===========